Rat Hemoglobin ELISA Kit

Katalog-Nummer CC-80678

Size : 96tests

Marke : Crystal Chem

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Rat Hemoglobin ELISA Kit

The Hemoglobin Rat ELISA is used to quantify levels of rat hemoglobin in serum and plasma using only a 5 µL sample volume.
  • Kit uses sample size of only 5 µL
  • High sensitivity (1.84 ng/mL)
  • Dynamic range of 3.13 - 200 ng/mL
  • Highly precise with low CV’s

Product Specifications

Catalog # 80678
Sample Size 5 µL
Sample Types Plasma, serum
Tests 96 wells
Assay Range 3.13 - 200 ng/mL
Storage 2 - 8°C
Methodology ELISA
Synonyms Rat Hemoglobin EIA Kit
Regulatory Research Use Only
Distribution Worldwide

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