Normal Goat Serum

Katalog-Nummer 0060-01

Size : 10mL

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Source Adult mixed breed goats
Purification Method Processed to minimize hemolysis and 0.2 μm filtered
Buffer Formulation Contains < 0.1% sodium azide
Volume 10 mL
Recommended Storage 2-8°C
Applications Blocking 1-17
Control 18
Flow Cytometry 1-3
Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin Sections 4-6
Immunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections 7
Immunohistochemistry-Whole Mount 8-10
Immunocytochemistry 4,11-17

Technical Bulletin Safety Datasheet

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  1. 1. Savage AK, Constantinides MG, Han J, Picard D, Martin E, Li B, et al. The transcription factor PLZF directs the effector program of the NKT cell lineage. Immunity. 2008;29:391-403. (Block, FC)
  2. 2. Yu KO, Porcelli SA, Shuman HA. In vitro derivation of macrophage from guinea pig bone marrow with human M-CSF. J Immunol Methods. 2013;389:88-94. (Block, FC)
  3. 3. Falahat R, Wiranowska M, Gallant ND, Toomey R, Hill R, Alcantar N. A Cell ELISA for the quantification of MUC1 mucin (CD227) expressed by cancer cells of epithelial and neuroectodermal origin. Cell Immunol. 2015;298:96-103. (Block, FC, ELISA)
  4. 4. Johnson DT, Luong R, Lee SH, Peng Y, Shaltouki A, Lee JT, et al. Deletion of leucine zipper tumor suppressor 2 (Lzts2) increases susceptibility to tumor development. J Biol Chem. 2013;288:3727-38. (Block, IHC-PS, ICC)
  5. 5. Schopperle WM, inventor; CureMeta LLC, assignee. Systems and methods for employing podocalyxin and tra human stem cell markers as prognostic markers for aggressive and metastatic cancer. United States patent application publication US 2014/0274773 A1. 2014 Sep 18. (Block, IHC-PS)
  6. 6. Knuth CA, Witte-Bouma J, Ridwan Y, Wolvius EB, Farrell E. Mesenchymal stem cell-mediated endochondral ossification utilising micropellets and brief chondrogenic priming. Eur Cell Mater. 2017;34:142-61. (Block, IHC-PS)
  7. 7. Mitchell AC, Javidfar B, Bicks LK, Neve R, Garbett K, Lander SS, et al. Longitudinal assessment of neuronal 3D genomes in mouse prefrontal cortex. Nat Commun. 2016;7:12743. (Block, IHC-FS)
  8. 8. Szabadfi K, Atlasz T, Kiss P, Reglodi D, Szabo A, Kovacs K, et al. Protective effects of the neuropeptide PACAP in diabetic retinopathy. Cell Tissue Res. 2012;348:37-46. (Block, IHC-WM)
  9. 9. Lämmermann T, Afonso PV, Angermann BR, Wang JM, Kastenmüller W, Parent CA, et al. Neutrophil swarms require LTB4 and integrins at sites of cell death in vivo. Nature. 2013;498:371-5. (Block, IHC-WM)
  10. 10. Lavinsky J, Crow AL, Pan C, Wang J, Aaron KA, Ho MK, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies Nox3 as a critical gene for susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss. PloS Genet. 2015;11(4):e1005094. (Block, IHC-WM)
  11. 11. Lundquist P, Ritchie HH, Moore K, Lundgren T, Linde A. Phosphate and calcium uptake by rat odontoblast-like MRPC-1 cells concomitant with mineralization. J Bone Miner Res. 2002;17:1801-13. (Block, ICC)
  12. 12. Gupta P, Han S, Holgado-Madruga M, Mitra SS, Li G, Nitta RT, et al. Development of an EGFRvIII specific recombinant antibody. BMC Biotechnol. 2010;10:72. (Block, ICC)
  13. 13. Hu H, Roth JP, Estevez CN, Zsak L, Liu B, Yu Q. Generation and evaluation of a recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing the glycoprotein (G) of avian metapneumovirus subgroup C as a bivalent vaccine in turkeys. Vaccine. 2011;29:8624-33. (Block, ICC)
  14. 14. Zhao W, Spatz S, Zhang Z, Wen G, Garcia M, Zsak L, et al. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) recombinants expressing infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) glycoproteins gB and gD protect chickens against ILTV and NDV challenges. J Virol. 2014;88:8397-406. (Block, ICC)
  15. 15. Chantzoura E, Skylaki S, Menendez S, Kim S, Johnsson A, Linnarsson S, et al. Reprogramming roadblocks are system dependent. Stem Cell Reports. 2015;5:350-64. (Block, ICC)
  16. 16. Jana S, Hsieh AC, Gupta R. Reciprocal amplification of caspase-3 activity by nuclear export of a putative human RNA-modifying protein, PUS10 during TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2017;8:e3093. (Block, ICC)
  17. 17. Lima TS, Gov L, Lodoen MB. Evasion of human neutrophil-mediated host defense during Toxoplasma gondii infection. MBio. 2018;9:e02027-17. (Block, ICC)
  18. 18. Westergren VS, Wilson SJ, Penrose JF, Howarth PH, Sampson AP. Nasal mucosal expression of the leukotriene and prostanoid pathways in seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 2009;39:820-8. (Control)

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