Mouse Leptin ELISA Kit

Katalog-Nummer CC-90030

Size : 96tests

Marke : Crystal Chem

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Mouse Leptin ELISA Kit

The Mouse Leptin ELISA is used to quantify levels of mouse leptin in serum, plasma, cell culture, and fluid using only a 5 µL sample volume.
  • Kits use a sample volume of only 5 µL
  • High Sensitivity (200 pg/mL)
  • Dynamic Range of 0.2 - 12.8 ng/mL
  • Designed for mouse samples

Product Specifications

Catalog # 90030
Sample Size 5 µL
Sample Types Serum, plasma, cell culture, or fluid
Tests 96 wells
Reagents In liquid form (except standard)
Assay Range 0.2 - 12.8 ng/mL
Precision Intra-assay precision CV ≤ 10.0%
Inter-assay precision CV ≤ 10.0%
Storage 2-8°C
Regulatory Research Use Only
Distribution Worldwide
Assay Summary Assay and protocol summary

Additional Info

Recovery:       When mouse leptin was spiked into mouse serum, the recovery of mouse leptin was 100% ± 20%


Substance Reactivity
r-Mouse Leptin 100%
r-Rat Leptin 100%
r-Human Leptin Detected*
Mouse Insulin Not Detected
Rat C-Peptide Not Detected
Rat pancreatic polypeptide Not Detected
Glucagon (1-37) Not Detected
Glucagon (1-29) Not Detected
r-Human Insulin like growth factor-I Not Detected
r-Human Insulin like growth factor-II Not Detected
Human Somatostatin Not Detected
*Can vary from lot to lot. Specific cross reactivity data is included with each kit

Typical Standard Curve:


Thibonnier, Marc, and Sujoy Ghosh. “Strategy for Pre-Clinical Development of Active Targeting MicroRNA Oligonucleotide Therapeutics for Unmet Medical Needs.”International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023; 24: 7126.  Read more
Escalante-Covarrubias, Quetzalcoatl, et al. “Time-of-Day Defines NAD+ Efficacy to Treat Diet-Induced Metabolic Disease by Synchronizing the Hepatic Clock in Mice.” Nature Communications 2023; 14; 1685.  Read more
Frühbeck, Gema, et al. “Increased Aquaporin-7 Expression Is Associated with Changes in Rat Brown Adipose Tissue Whitening in Obesity: Impact of Cold Exposure and Bariatric Surgery.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023; 24: 3412.  Read more
Li, Veronica L., et al. “An Exercise-Inducible Metabolite That Suppresses Feeding and Obesity.” Nature 2022; 606: 785–790.  Read more
Çakır, Işın, et al. “Histone Deacetylase 6 Inhibition Restores Leptin Sensitivity and Reduces Obesity.” Nature Metabolism 2022; 4: 44–59.  Read more
Plows, Jasmine F., et al. "The effects of myo-inositol and B and D vitamin supplementation in the db/+ mouse model of gestational diabetes mellitus." Nutrients 2017; 9: 141.  Read more
McPherson, Nicole O., et al. "Paternal under-nutrition programs metabolic syndrome in offspring which can be reversed by antioxidant/vitamin food fortification in fathers." Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 27010.  Read more
Dubois, Vanessa, et al. "Androgen deficiency exacerbates high fat diet0induced metabolic alterations in male mice." Endocrinology 2016; 157: 648-665.  Read more
Clarke, Julia R., et al. "Alzheimer‐associated Aβ oligomers impact the central nervous system to induce peripheral metabolic deregulation." EMBO Molecular Medicine 2015; 7: 190-210.  Read more
Chen, Yan, et al. "Enhancement of hypothalamic STAT3 acetylation by nuclear receptor Nur77 dictates leptin sensitivity." Diabetes 2015; 64: 2069-2081.  Read more

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