MagicPure® Cell-Free DNA Kit (Without Magnetic Stand)

Katalog-Nummer EC201-11

Size : 50rxns

Marke : TransGen Biotech

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MagicPure® Cell-Free DNA Kit (without Magnetic Stand)

Catalog Number: EC201-11

Price:Please inquire first

50 rxns

Product Details

This kit lyse samples by enzyme hydrolysis, purify cell-free DNA by specific adsorption of silica magnetic beads. It is suitable for isolating and purifyling high quality cell-free DNA from 0.5-10 ml serum or plasma. The extracted DNA can do PCR, qPCR and NGS. It can be used in magnet beads-based nucleic acid extraction system.

• Simple to operate and fast to extract. Do not need to centrifuge.

• High yield and high purity.


Magnetic Cell-Free Beads 2-8°C for one year (protect from freezing); others at room temperature (15-25°C) for one year.


At room temperature

Product Composition


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