iPCR Conversion Kit

Katalog-Nummer NB-iPCR42

Size : 1kit

Marke : Novatein Biosciences

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iPCR Conversion Kit


Data sheet

Assay time 4 hours
Validity 2 years
Sensitivity fg/ml
Size 96-well
Application Immuno-PCR, ELISA-PCR
Description Immuno-PCR (iPCR) is a powerful method for detecting ultra-low quantities of antigens. It combines the advantages of both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and PCR in specificity, sensitivity and ease to adapt. Despite its potential, iPCR has been an underutilized method as evidenced by the low number of publications on its routine application and unavailability of validated, ready-to-use commercial kits. Situation changed in recent years since more and more evidence indicates iPCR is a very helpful tool to improve detection sensitivity. To make it possible for the researchers to detect various low-abundant analytes, Novatein Biosciences developed a validated ready-to-use iPCR conversion kit.


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