IGF2R Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 3482)
Katalog-Nummer TR312220
Size : 1kit
Product Data | |
Locus ID | 3482 |
Synonyms | CD222; CI-M6PR; CIMPR; M6P-R; M6P/IGF2R; MPR1; MPR 300; MPR300; MPRI |
Vector | pRS |
E. coli Selection | Ampicillin |
Format | Retroviral plasmids |
Components | IGF2R - Human, 4 unique 29mer shRNA constructs in retroviral untagged vector(Gene ID = 3482). 5µg purified plasmid DNA per construct29-mer scrambled shRNA cassette in pRS Vector, TR30012, included for free. |
RefSeq | NM_000876, NM_000876.1, NM_000876.2, NM_000876.3, BC010121, BC172256, NM_000876.4 |
UniProt ID | P11717 |
Summary | This gene encodes a receptor for both insulin-like growth factor 2 and mannose 6-phosphate. The binding sites for each ligand are located on different segments of the protein. This receptor has various functions, including in the intracellular trafficking of lysosomal enzymes, the activation of transforming growth factor beta, and the degradation of insulin-like growth factor 2. Mutation or loss of heterozygosity of this gene has been association with risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. The orthologous mouse gene is imprinted and shows exclusive expression from the maternal allele; however, imprinting of the human gene may be polymorphic, as only a minority of individuals showed biased expression from the maternal allele (PMID:8267611). [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2015] |
shRNA Design | These shRNA constructs were designed against multiple splice variants at this gene locus. To be certain that your variant of interest is targeted, please contact tech@biotrend.com. If you need a special design or shRNA sequence, please utilize our custom shRNA service. |
Shipping | Ambient |
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*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.
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