Nitric oxide (NO) is a key signaling molecule in living organisms, which is widely present in neurological, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary systems, and plays an important role in both physiological and pathological processes. NO can be oxidized to nitrite and nitrate. A common method to detect NO indirectly is to measure its stable oxidation product, nitrite.
Colorimetric Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit is a kit for the determination of NO in samples such as cultured cells, tissues, serum, plasma, and urine by an optimized Griess Reagent. The principle is that the Griess Reagent can react with nitrite, and the resulting product has specific absorption at 540 nm. The absorbance is positively correlated with the NO content. The kit is optimized to detect down to 1 μM and has a good linearity in the range of 1-100 μM.