Sample Analysis


  The Oncomid-kit enables the transport and dissociation of a colorectal cancer tumor, as well as the specific culture of cancer cells derived from this tumor. It comprises 3 components:     The specific transport medium OncoMiD-Via® has been specially developed to safely transport fresh colorectal cancer tumour samples. It is crucial to maintain excellent viability of the cells contained in tumour...

OncoMid-Diss Kit

  The OncoMiD-Diss® dissociation medium is specifically optimised for dissociating human colorectal cancer tumour samples. It allows the dissociation of tumour samples into individual cells, thus facilitating their entry into primary culture. Four tubes containing different products are required to initiate, control and stop tumour dissociation, combined with specific procedures for colorectal cancer tissue. ...


  The specific transport medium OncoMiD-Via® has been specially developed to safely transport fresh colorectal cancer tumour samples. It is crucial to maintain excellent viability of the cells contained in tumour samples during transport from the health care facility to the laboratory. To this end, Oncomedics has developed a specific transport media that allow primary human colorectal cancer tumour cells to remain viable for up to 48 hours post-surgery...

FTIR-based structural and fingerprinting analysis

FTIR spectroscopy relies on the fact that most molecules absorb light in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, converting it to molecular vibrations. It is recognized as a powerful and sensitive tool to record fingerprints of complex mixtures such as biological samples. These fingerprints are robust and account not only for the chemical nature of molecules but also for their conformation and are, in particular, very sensitive to protein secondary structure...

Auto-Western Service

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Ultrasensitive Biomarker Testing Service (SIMOA)

 1,000 Times More Sensitive Than ELISA