Kits for the preparation of Illumina libraries - ChIP-Seq

Kits for the preparation of Illumina libraries - ChIP-Seq

ChIP-Seq or ChIP sequencing is a new generation sequencing technique (NSG) for studying the interactions between proteins and DNA, to identify genome-wide DNA binding sites for transcription factors and other proteins. ChIP-Seq sequencing is therefore a key tool in epigenomics research. It is an approach based on a sequencing technique that allows the rapid determination of the sequence of immunoprecipitated fragments by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). According to ChIP protocols, the protein bound to the DNA is immunoprecipitated using a specific antibody. The bound DNA is then co-precipitated, purified and sequenced. The immunoprecipitated fragments are attached via an adapter to a chip and are amplified in the solid phase. Each sample can be sequenced using four methods known as New Generation Sequencing (NGS): synthetic sequencing (Illumina), pyrosequencing, ligation sequencing, and single-molecule sequencing.

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