In vivo efficacy testing

We offer a wide range of in vivo efficacy tests. Our team can help you in your project by recommending the most appropriate animal models, conducting studies with well established protocols and generating reports tailored to your needs. We have at our disposal a wide range of animal models that adapt to multiple therapeutic / pathological domains.

Here are some examples of areas for which we offer in vivo tests:
  • Oncology
  • Fibrotic Disease
  • Infectious Disease
  • Immunology/Inflammation/Autoimmune Disease
  • Respiratory Disease

In vivo Expertise and Resources that Drives Outcomes
Our team will help you investigate different animal protocols and optimize planning and experimental design to ensure you get the most out of your in vivo studies.
We also undertake non-GLP pharmacokinetic (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), and toxicology screens.

Technology Focus: IVIS Imaging
One of the most powerful technologies available to assess tumor growth and development, as well as efficacy of candidate therapeutics, is Bioluminescence Imaging. We offer this powerful modality using PerkinElmer’s IVIS® Lumina XRMS system, which includes X-Ray and fluorescence imaging capabilities with precise overlay.

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