shRNA design and synthesis

shRNA design and synthesis

We propose you to synthetize your shRNA.

=> Quote request

There are two modes of service with Exact-shRNA:

Self-design : Customers specify the short hairpin sequences (stem and loop), choose a vector (in the quotation request list) and Biotrend constructs the plasmid. This is targeted to researchers who have gained knowledge of the effective target sequence, either from previous research or from published work. Up to 4 constructs are allowed for each project. Additional constructs can be submitted as a new project.

Biotrend design : Customers define the transcript sequence(s) and Biotrend designs the shRNA (stem and loop) using our proprietary algorithm. Four constructs will be designed whenever possible.

Related services available :
=> Gene synthesis
=> Cloning
=> Polyclonal antibody production
=> Monoclonal antibody production