Tissue FFPE Sections, Liver

CAT#: CS808677

Tissue Sections (5x5um), FFPE; Liver; Cirrhosis of liver

Product Images


Product Data
Diagnosis Category Lung Congestion
Tissue Liver
FFPE Sample ID PA15476AC6
Case ID CU0000006675
Tissue of Origin Liver
Site of Finding Liver
Sample Diagnosis (from Pathology Verification) Cirrhosis of liver
Normal 0%
Lesional 100%
Tumor 0%
Tumor Hypo/Acellular Stroma 0%
Tumor Hypercellular Stroma 0%
Necrosis 0%
Pathology Verification notes from H&E review Non Tumor Structures: 90% Lobules, 10% Triads; Other Features/Comments: Hepatic architecture is distorted by bridging fibrosis, and regenerative nodules incompletely surrounded by fibrous septa. Portal tracts are expanded by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with piecemeal necrosis.
CASE Diagnosis (from medical center path report) Carcinoma of liver, hepatocellular
Age 77
Gender Not specified
Tumor Grade AJCC G1: Well differentiated
Minimum Stage Grouping II
T (Extent of Primary Tumor) T2
N (Lymph node metastasis) NX
M (Distant metastasis) MX
Diagnostic Test Results Trichrome - Masson stain,Fibrosis; Reticulin stain,Positive
Storage Store FFPE tissue sections at +4°C.
Stability All FFPE tissue sections are stable for 1 year from date of purchase.
