SAP130 ELISA Kit (Chicken)

Cat# OKWB00132

Size : 96Wells

Brand : Aviva Systems Biology

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Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for SAP130 ELISA Kit (Chicken) (OKWB00132)
Product Info
Predicted Species ReactivityChicken|Gallus gallus
ELISA Kit Detection MethodColorimetric, OD 450 nm
ELISA Kit Duration~ 3 Hours
ELISA Kit Linearity
Sample Type1:2 Dilution1:4 Dilution1:8 Dilution1:16 Dilution
Serum (n=5)87-102%87-96%94-103%85-102%
EDTA Plasma (n=5)83-100%82-90%83-95%85-101%
Heparin Plasma (n=5)82-99%81-99%80-91%81-97
ELISA Kit PrincipleAviva Systems Biology Sap130 ELISA Kit (Chicken) (OKWB00132) is based on a competitive enzyme immunoassay technique. The microtiter well-plate in this kit has been pre-coated with Sap130. Sample or standards are added to the wells along with a Sap130 biotinylated detector antibody and incubated. The Sap130 found in the sample or standards inhibits the Sap130 detector antibody from binding to the immobilized Sap130 on the plate. Excess unbound sample or standard Sap130 and detector antibody is washed from the plate. Avidin-HRP conjugate is added, incubated and washed. An enzymatic reaction is then produced through the addition of TMB substrate which is catalyzed by the immobilized HRP to generate a blue color product that changes to yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of yellow coloration is measured by reading the absorbance at 450 nm which is quantitatively proportional to the amount of Sap130 biotinylated detector antibody bound in the well and inversely proportional to the amount of Sap130 which was contained in the sample or standard.
ELISA Kit Range31.25-2000pg/ml
ELISA Kit Recovery
Sample TypeRangeMean
Serum (n=5)92-9995
EDTA Plasma (n=5)85-10494
Heparin Plasma (n=5)85-10394
ELISA Kit ReproducibilityMean Intra-Assay Precision <10%
Mean Inter-Assay Precision <12%
ELISA Kit Component
Sap130 Microplate96 Wells (12 x 8 Well strips)
Sap130 Lyophilized Standard2 x 2 ng
100X Sap130 Biotinylated Detector Anitbody1 x 60 uL
100X Avidin-HRP Conjugate1 x 120 uL
Standard Diluent1 x 20 mL
Detector Antibody Diluent1 x 12 mL
Conjugate Diluent1 x 12 mL
25X Wash Buffer1 x 20 mL
TMB Substrate1 x 10 mL
Stop Solution1 x 10 mL
Reconstitution and StorageStore as indicated in product manual.
Sample TypeSerum, Plasma, Cell Cultures, Tissue Homogenates, Other Biological Fluids
Sensitivity18.75 pg/mL
Assay InfoAssay Type: Quantitative Competitive Inhibition ELISA
Gene SymbolSAP130
Gene Full NameSin3A associated protein 130
Alias Symbols130 kDa Sin3-associated polypeptide;histone deacetylase complex subunit SAP130;Sin3A associated protein 130kDa;sin3-associated polypeptide p130.
NCBI Gene Id424756
Protein NameHistone deacetylase complex subunit SAP130
Description of TargetActs as a transcriptional repressor. May function in the assembly and/or enzymatic activity of the mSin3A corepressor complex or in mediating interactions between the complex and other regulatory complexes (By similarity).
Uniprot IDQ5F3U0
Protein Accession #NP_001026472
Nucleotide Accession #NM_001031301