EasyPure® HiPure Plasmid MiniPrep Kit
Catalog Number: EM111-01
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Product Details
EasyPure® HiPure Plasmid MiniPrep Kit provides an efficient way to isolate high yield (up to 40µg) and high quality plasmid DNA from ≤20 ml (LB) of bacterial culture. Unique formulated lysis buffer and neutralization buffer permit complete bacterial cell lysis and neutralization.Endotoxin is removed by a simple incubation on column with a novel buffer. The purified plasmid DNA is suitable for a variety of molecular biology applications, including restriction enzyme digestion, ligation, transformation, DNA sequencing, and transfection.
• Fast: the whole procedure can be performed in 20 minutes.
• Simple: endotoxin is removed on column.
• High yield: DNA yield up to 40 μg.
At room temperature (15-25°C)
At room temperature (15-25°C)
Yang F, Chen Y, Liu Q, et al. Dynamics and regulations of BimEL Ser65 and Thr112 phosphorylation in porcine granulosa cells during follicular atresia[J]. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 2020.(IF 5.27)