- Specifications
Product Description
Calcium Assay Kit is a quantitative colorimetric calcium determination at 612 nm.
Suitable Sample
Blood, Saliva, Urine
Sample Volume
96-well plate: 5 uL ; Cuvette: 15 uL
Detection Method
Assay Type
Calibration Range
0.08 to 20 mg/dL
Regulation Status
For research use only (RUO)
Quality Control Testing
Standard Curve
The standard curve is for the purpose of illustration only and should not be used to calculate unknowns. A standard curve should be generated each time the assay is performed.
Storage Instruction
Store the kit at 4°C.
- Applications
Functional Study
- Publication Reference
- Oral delivery of calcitonin-ion pairs: In vivo-proof of concept for a highly lipophilic counterion.
Richard Wibel, Arne Matteo Jörgensen, Flavia Laffleur, Helen Spleis, Victor Claus, Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2022 Dec; 631:122476.
Application:Func, Rat, Rat blood.
- The regulatory effect of hyaluronan on human mesenchymal stem cells' fate modulates their interaction with cancer cells in vitro.
Christian Vogeley, Özer Degistirici, Sören Twarock, Jessica Wladarz, Oliver Reiners, Tobias Gorges, Jens W Fischer, Roland Meisel, Katharina Gorges.
Scientific Reports 2021 Oct; 11(1):21229.
Application:WB-Ti, Human, Human glioblastoma.
- Impact of hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia on valvular interstitial cells - A link between aortic heart valve degeneration and type 2 diabetes.
Selig JI, Ouwens DM, Raschke S, Thoresen GH, Fischer JW, Lichtenberg A, Akhyari P, Barth M.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease 2019 Sep; 1865(9):2526.
Application:Func, Sheep, Sheep valvular interstitial cells.
- Degenerative aortic valve disease and diabetes: Implications for a link between proteoglycans and diabetic disorders in the aortic valve.
Barth M, Selig JI, Klose S, Schomakers A, Kiene LS, Raschke S, Boeken U, Akhyari P, Fischer JW, Lichtenberg A.
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 2018 Dec; 1479164118817922.
Application:Quant, Mouse, Mouse tissue patches.
- Enzymes of the purinergic signaling system exhibit diverse effects on the degeneration of valvular interstitial cells in a 3-D microenvironment.
Weber A, Barth M, Selig JI, Raschke S, Dakaras K, Hof A, Hesse J, Schrader J, Lichtenberg A, Akhyari P.
FASEB Journal 2018 Mar; fj201701326R.
Application:Func, Sheep, Ovine valvular interstitial cells.
- In vivo skin penetration of macromolecules in irritant contact dermatitis.
Abdel-Mottaleb MM, Lamprecht A.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2016 Dec; 515(1-2):384.
Application:Quan, Rat, Rat blood.
- Arsenic increases Pi-mediated vascular calcification and induces premature senescence in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Martín-Pardillos A, Sosa C, Sorribas V.
Toxicological Sciences 2013 Feb; 131(2):641.
Application:Func, Rat, Vascular smooth muscle cells cultures or Rat aortas.
- Oral delivery of calcitonin-ion pairs: In vivo-proof of concept for a highly lipophilic counterion.
Calcium Assay Kit
Cat# KA1644
Size : 1Kit
Brand : Abnova