PlateReady™ Vero 96 Well High Confluency (>70%) - (20cmLx12cmWx3cmH, weigh t50g)
PlaqueReadyTM Vero 96 Well Plates contain adherent kidney epithelial cells from a normal African green monkey. The cells are cryopreserved directly adhered to 96 well plates with the use of CryoLogyx’s patented CryoShieldTM formulation. The Vero E6 cell line is a well-characterized cell line that has been widely used in verotoxin detection, mycoplasma testing and testing the virucidal efficacy of different formulations. PlaqueReadyTM Vero 96-Well Plates are compatible with all major assays 24 hours after thawing. |
Over 80% cell viability is expected post-thaw, with cells retaining healthy morphology, immediate proliferative capacity, metabolic activity, and membrane integrity. |
Content Cryopreserved adherent Vero 96 cells in a 96-well plate. Each well contains 100 µL of CryoLogyx’s proprietary cryoprotectant formulation. No cells are present in rows A and H and columns 1 and 12 to avoid assay edge effects (blue on diagram). Storage -80°C Freezer. Use by the expiry date on the packaging Thawing and culturing medium Eagle's minimum essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotic-antimyotic solution (optional). |