Oncogramme®: Towards personalised medicine for all cancer patients
1 patient - 1 tumor - 1 Oncogramme® - 1 treatment
What is the Oncogramme® ?
The Oncogramme® predicts the anti-cancer activity of existing drugs by testing them directly on a patient's operated tumor. Their efficacy is evaluated on a sample of this tumor ex vivo, using an approach comparable to that of the antibiogram.
Recognition by the french “Haute Autorité de Santé”
In December 2019, Oncomedics received a favourable decision from the French National Authority for Health (HAS) via the “Forfait Innovation” for the derogatory reimbursement of the Oncogramme®.
This official approval of the French National Authority for Health rewards both the high level of innovation of the Oncogramme® and its outstanding impact on the patient journey.
CE marking: Oncogramme® for mCRC has the CE mark since 2015
Oncomedics is one of the 13 innovative companies to have received the “Forfait innovation” from HAS
In March 2021, in the framework of the Forfait innovation, the MOH has decided to reimburse the Oncogramme®
Forfait Innovation
The “Forfait Innovation” is a temporary and derogatory reimbursement to facilitate early access for patients to innovative technologies (health technologies other than medicines) in the early stages of clinical development.
The technology must bring evidence that its use is likely to bring significant health benefits or reduce health costs.
How to personalise treatment?
Every cancer patient requires special attention, ideally involving individualised treatment.
The majority of patients today need chemotherapy to fight cancer effectively, but no test or biomarker can predict the effectiveness of treatments or combinations of treatments. Targeted therapies are a first line of defence against the disease, but not all people are eligible for them.
Based on a similar model to the antibiogram, our French laboratory has developed and marketed its own functional test. Functional tests are an important tool in the choice of chemotherapy. A recent review showed that functional tests had an efficiency of 80% (Bounaix Morand du Puch et al.,Theranostics. 2021 Sep 21;11(19): 9538-9556).
Since 2016, patients with stage IV colorectal cancer have been able to benefit from the Oncogramme®: a unique solution to personalise chemotherapy.
The Oncogramme® will soon be optimised for other cancers such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer, in order to improve treatments by adapting them to each patient.

Metastatic colorectal cancer is the first indication for the CE marked Oncogramme® DM-DIV.

FOLFIRINOX : oxaliplatin, irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil + folinic acid
FOLFIRI : irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil + folinic acid
FOLFOX : oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil + folinic acid
Oncomedics' results with the Oncogramme® in metastatic colorectal cancer suggest an increased chance of response to first-line treatment: 84 % (Bounaix Morand du Puch et al. J Transl Med. 2016 Jan 12;14: 10) compared to 21% (5-FU alone) to 48% (FOLFOX) at best according to the literature (Pfeiffer et al. Onco Targets Ther. 2009; 2: 17-27) for the main consensus chemotherapeutic treatments.

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