Consumables for microbiology
Microbiology is by definition the study of micro-organisms. Microorganisms or more commonly called microbes are living organisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaeobacteria, protists, amoebae, etc...
The aim of microbiology is to identify and characterise micro-organisms. But it also includes the study of their origin and evolution, the definition of their characteristics, products of their activities and needs, and the understanding of the relationships that exist between different micro-organisms and with their environment.
Microbiology encompasses different techniques to obtain the necessary information on micro-organisms such as culture, microscopy, molecular biology...
It is important to study microorganisms because they play an important role in nutrient cycling, biodegradation/biodeterioration, climate change, food spoilage, the cause and control of disease and biotechnology.
Microbiology is therefore used in various fields such as diagnostics, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the environment.