Unconjugated Antibodies
Unconjugated Anti-Dog Primary Antibodies
Search result : 133781 product found
Refine your search :
- Unconjugated 133781
- human 113667
- rat 98338
- mouse 95035
- cow 92620
- dog 85239
- pig 75996
- rabbit 68568
- horse 66971
- guinea pig 60159
- zebrafish 29552
- sheep 17276
- chicken 13509
- monkey 8788
- goat 5430
- yeast 4963
- xenopus 4582
- hamster 3249
- cat 1255
- gorilla 1235
- drosophila 712
- fish 336
- bird 199
- virus 160
- frog 146
- all species 116
- c. elegans 98
- donkey 83
- plant 81
- pigeon 68
- ferret 59
- insect 50
- duck 46
- bacteria 32
- swine 31
- e. coli 19
- opossum 19
- llama 8
- lizard 2
- guinea-pig 1
- mouse and guinea pig 1
- pig/swine 1
- rat and rabbit 1
- rabbit 113382
- mouse 13420
- goat 5267
- rat 511
- pig 327
- human 200
- chicken 185
- sheep 185
- cow 143
- guinea pig 113
- dog 83
- hamster 69
- xenopus 29
- monkey 26
- donkey 24
- drosophila 20
- cat 14
- fish 14
- horse 13
- yeast 9
- plant 8
- zebrafish 7
- c.elegans 5
- coral 4
- insect 4
- invertebrate 4
- mollusk 4
- quail 4
- bacteria 2
- fishrog 2
- gerbil 2
- humans 2
- mammals 2
- sea squirt 2
- shark 2
- squirrel 2
- swine 2
- multiple mammals 1
- Primary antibody 133781
- WB 121754
- IHC 49513
- ICC 24830
- ELISA 19952
- IP 18470
- IF 16171
- FC 4371
- Immunoassay 424
- ChIP 369
- FLISA 268
- Assay 135
- Microscopy 108
- Dot blot 87
- Radioimmunoassay 64
- Blocking 34
- Immunodiffusion 25
- Neutralization 23
- FA 21
- Purification 20
- EMSA 11
- Inhibition assay 11
- Lateral Flow 8
- Immunoelectrophoresis 6
- Cell depletion 4
- Cell separation 2
- Native-PAGE 2
- Stimulation 2
- Total 2
- purified IgY 2
- Affinity purified IgY 1
- IC 1
- Immunolocalization 1
- Polyclonal 118249
- Monoclonal 1617
- C1 652
- C2 616
- C3 520
- C5 448
- C4 415
- C7 312
- C6 303
- C8 231
- C9 186
- D3 179
- D1 162
- C10 144
- C11 136
- D4 135
- D6 124
- D2 106
- C12 91
- D5 87
- C13 72
- D7 55
- HIST1H3A 54
- HIST1H3C 54
- HIST1H3D 54
- HIST1H3E 54
- HIST1H3F 54
- HIST1H3G 54
- HIST1H3H 54
- HIST1H3I 54
- HIST1H3J 54
- D10 52
- C14 49
- D11 49
- D8 49
- D13 45
- N27F3-4 45
- polyclonal 45
- C92F3A-5 44
- H 44
- HIST1H3 44
- 1A4 43
- 0.N.593 42
- C18 42
- C15 40
- H8 39
- E4 33
- LK1 33
- 9G10 31
- E3 31
- LK2 31
- A2 30
- E2 30
- 7# 28
- C17 27
- HM57 26
- 0.N.602 25
- 8A7 25
- BB70 25
- PPT3 25
- 0.N.383 (LT3) 24
- 0.N.390A 24
- 10H8 24
- 13C4 24
- 1.7 23
- 1H11 23
- D18 23
- 0.N.199 22
- 0.N.229 22
- 0.N.341 22
- 0.N.590 22
- 0.N.603 22
- 10B1867 22
- 0.T.172 21
- 1.86 21
- 1.B.472 21
- 15B417 21
- 74-12-4 21
- 76-7-4 21
- D9 21
- H2 21
- HIST1H4A 21
- 0.N.97 20
- 1.T.9 20
- H1 20
- monoclonal 20
- 0.N.305 19
- 0.N.308 19
- 0.T.125 19
- 0.T.54 19
- 15B415 19
- C16 19
- HIST1H4B 19
- HIST1H4C 19
- HIST1H4D 19
- HIST1H4E 19
- HIST1H4F 19
- HIST1H4H 19
- HIST1H4I 19
- HIST1H4J 19
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