Spinal cord RNA

Spinal cord RNA


The spinal cord is also called the spinal cord (according to the new nomenclature). It is part of the central nervous system and is located within the spine. Its main role is to transmit information between the brain and the body by distributing nerves between the brain and the different parts of the body. It is therefore involved in reflexes.
The spinal cord is a white cord 1 centimeter in diameter and 50 centimeters long, made up of neurons and glial cells. It has two bulges corresponding to the emergence of the limbs and ends in a point at the second lumbar vertebra. The spinal nerves, which are directly connected to the spinal cord, are 31 pairs (left and right), each nerve having two roots: the posterior or sensitive root and the anterior or motor root. All spinal nerves are therefore mixed: motor and sensory.


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