IHC validated Antibodies
Polyclonal anti-human unconjugated primary antibodies WB validated
Search result : 1085791 product found
Refine your search :
- Unconjugated 1085791
- human 1085791
- mouse 581323
- rat 470370
- cow 34500
- monkey 31330
- dog 28446
- pig 27841
- rabbit 20244
- horse 15080
- chicken 12702
- guinea pig 10066
- zebrafish 9917
- sheep 8714
- hamster 4508
- gorilla 2993
- xenopus 2935
- all species 2566
- goat 1745
- cat 1206
- yeast 1068
- drosophila 807
- fish 556
- virus 237
- frog 188
- c. elegans 165
- insect 137
- swine 105
- ferret 90
- plant 86
- bird 84
- bacteria 36
- e. coli 23
- opossum 23
- pigeon 18
- duck 15
- lizard 10
- llama 4
- camel 2
- guinea-pig 1
- rat and rabbit 1
- rabbit 874173
- mouse 143958
- goat 9943
- human 5992
- rat 3860
- chicken 788
- sheep 677
- guinea pig 472
- hamster 162
- cow 118
- pig 96
- monkey 75
- dog 65
- donkey 47
- swine 39
- xenopus 26
- cat 20
- horse 18
- drosophila 17
- fish 17
- plant 12
- yeast 12
- llama 9
- predicted to work with: human 8
- insect 6
- shark 6
- zebrafish 6
- c.elegans 4
- coral 4
- invertebrate 4
- quail 4
- all species 3
- bacteria 2
- fishrog 2
- frog 2
- gerbil 2
- mammals 2
- mollusk 2
- rainbow trout 2
- sea squirt 2
- squirrel 2
- eukaryote 1
- multiple mammals 1
- Primary antibody 1085791
- IHC 1085790
- WB 810325
- ELISA 466632
- IF 261732
- ICC 168311
- IP 115480
- FC 79562
- FLISA 4123
- ChIP 3364
- Microscopy 2458
- Dot blot 698
- FA 438
- Immunoassay 414
- Neutralization 385
- Assay 353
- Radioimmunoassay 292
- Blocking 241
- in-vivo 179
- Staining 106
- Cell depletion 83
- Inhibition assay 62
- EMSA 52
- Purification 46
- Detection 39
- Agglutination 38
- Immunodiffusion 37
- Affinity binding 32
- Chemiluminescence 26
- Immunoelectrophoresis 26
- Cellular activation 22
- Co-stimulation 22
- Proximity Ligation Assay 21
- Lateral Flow 15
- Immunoradiometric assay 10
- Cell separation 8
- Biacore 6
- Chromatography 6
- Stimulation 5
- Mass cytometry 4
- FRET 2
- Hemagglutination 2
- Multiplex assay 2
- in-vitro 2
- IHC-Formalin 1
- array 1
- Polyclonal 813148
- Monoclonal 28979
- polyclonal 17844
- monoclonal 2747
- C1 2510
- C2 1897
- C3 1590
- Recombinant 1534
- C5 1396
- C4 1293
- C6 974
- C7 903
- C8 763
- C10 599
- C9 591
- D1 524
- D4 513
- D2 489
- C11 474
- D3 445
- C12 428
- D5 295
- 1F6 290
- C13 281
- S6MR 252
- S8MR 251
- D6 243
- S3MR 234
- S0MR 225
- S4MR 219
- S1MR 216
- S9MR 216
- C15 212
- S7MR 210
- S5MR 204
- D7 185
- S2MR 185
- 1D6 178
- 1D11 172
- C14 170
- 1E12 165
- 1A4 161
- 1D2 158
- 1E7 154
- 1B9 153
- 1A8 152
- 1C7 151
- 1# 150
- 1E1 149
- 1G4 147
- 3F8 145
- 1D7 139
- 1E6 136
- D9 136
- 1D8 134
- 1D10 133
- 1F8 133
- C16 132
- 9E10 131
- 1F12 130
- C17 129
- D8 129
- 1E9 127
- 1F3 127
- 1D4 126
- 4# 125
- 3B5 121
- 1F7 120
- D11 120
- 1B5 116
- 1H4 115
- 2# 115
- 1A10 113
- 1A5 113
- 1B7 113
- 1F2 113
- 1A6 112
- 5# 112
- E1 108
- 1A1 107
- 1A7 104
- A4 104
- 3G8 103
- C18 103
- 1B3 101
- 3D10 101
- 5G9 101
- 1B10 100
- 1G2 99
- 3F10 97
- 1B12 96
- 1G12 92
- 4G10 90
- 1D9 88
- C19 87
- D10 87
- 8D7 86
- 7# 85
- UCHT1 85
- A3 82
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