Applied Biological Materials (ABM)



Applied Biological Materials Inc. (abm) is a reputable company that develops and commercializes research products and services for scientists worldwide. They offer a wide range of molecular and cellular biology products, including CRISPR tools, viral vectors, cell lines, and PCR/RT/qPCR reagents. One of their notable products is the All-In-One 5X RT MasterMix, which simplifies first-strand cDNA synthesis by including genomic DNA (gDNA) removal. This MasterMix ensures accurate cDNA synthesis without affecting reverse transcription. It contains abm’s proprietary OneScript® Hot Reverse Transcriptase, RNaseOFF Ribonuclease Inhibitor, temperature-sensitive DNase, dNTPs, and a balanced ratio of Oligo (dT)s and Random Primers. The resulting high-quality cDNA can be used for various downstream applications.


Read more :










400+ Immortalized Cell Lines


A Guide to CRISPR/Cas9


Cell immortalization handbook

  Growth Factors










     Growth Factors and Cytokines   


     Immortalized Cell Lines       Viral Expression Systems