Mouse IFN alpha ELISA

Cat# DIY1537M-003

Size : 1Set

Brand : Kingfisher Biotech

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Mouse IFNα ELISA Data

Mouse IFN alpha Standard Curve

Mouse IFNα ELISA Kit Components

Component Usage Quantity Catalog #
Anti-Mouse IFNα Polyclonal Antibody Capture Antibody 100 µg KP1535M-100
Biotinylated Anti-Mouse IFNα Polyclonal Antibody Detection Antibody 50 µg KPB1536M-050
Mouse IFNα Recombinant Protein Standard 5 µg RP1007M-005


Mouse IFNα ELISA Specifictions

The Mouse IFNα Do-It-Yourself ELISA contains capture antibody, standard, and detection antibody for development of a Mouse IFNα ELISA. The antibodies have been determined to function in an ELISA with the standard provided. Optimal buffers, concentrations, incubation times, incubation temperatures, and methods for the ELISA have not been determined. A working knowledge of ELISA is strongly recommended. The quantities of components provided are not matched. Components may also be purchased separately. 

For additional tips and techniques to ensure a successful ELISA, check out our ELISA Technical Guide.

IFNα Background

Type I interferons comprise a vast and growing group of IFN proteins. Homologous molecules to type I IFNs are found in many species, including all mammals, and some have been identified in birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish species. The mammalian types are designated IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-κ, IFN-δ, IFN-ε, IFN-τ, IFN-ω, and IFN-ζ (also known as limitin). They are mainly involved in innate immune response against viral infection.

Catalog No.:
1 Pack
Country of Origin:
Measurement of Mouse IFN alpha in an ELISA.

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