EXO-Prep for exosome isolation from Cell Media

Cat# HBM-EXP-C25

Size : 25ml(25react)

Brand : HansaBioMed

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  • Exosomes one step isolation from cell media 25 reactions

EXO-Prep: reagent for quick extracellular vesicle isolation based on chemical precipitation (25 ml)


Sample type:

Conditioned cell media


25 ml

Product overview:

EXO-Prep is an efficient reagent for exosome isolation from cell culture supernatant. EVs are quickly isolated from sample by incubation step with EXO-Prep precipitation reagent. EV containing pellet is then collected by one-step centrifugation and can be easily resuspended in PBS.

Shipment and storage:

Room temperature

Shelf life:

12 months


Single step isolation of EVs from cell culture media.

Isolate the overall EV population in a sample.

Isolated EVs can be used for NTA analysis, protein profiling (WB, FACS, ELISA) and nucleic acid (RNA and DNA) extraction and profiling.


Tags: exo-prep, cell

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