Katalog-Nummer DIY2114U-004

Size : 1Set

Marke : Kingfisher Biotech

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Rabbit G-CSF ELISA Data

Rabbit G-CSF Standard Curve

Rabbit G-CSF ELISA Kit Components

Component Usage Quantity Catalog #
Anti-Rabbit G-CSF Polyclonal Antibody Capture Antibody 100 µg X 2 KP2112U-100
Biotinylated Anti-Rabbit G-CSF Polyclonal Antibody Detection Antibody 50 µg KPB2113U-050
Rabbit G-CSF Recombinant Protein Standard 5 µg RP2009U-005


Rabbit G-CSF ELISA Specifications

The Rabbit G-CSF Do-It-Yourself ELISA contains capture antibody, recombinant protein standard, and detection antibody for development of a Rabbit G-CSF ELISA. The antibodies have been determined to function in an ELISA with the standard provided. Optimal buffers, concentrations, incubation times, incubation temperatures, and methods for the ELISA have not been determined. A working knowledge of ELISA is strongly recommended. The quantities of components provided are not matched. Components may also be purchased separately. 

For additional tips and techniques to ensure a successful ELISA, check out our ELISA Technical Guide.

G-CSF Background

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), also known as Colony Stimulating Factor 3 (CSF-3) was originally discovered in the context of hematopoiesis. The later identification of the G-CSF receptor (G-CSFR) has revealed wider roles for G-CSF, particularly in tissue repair and regeneration.

Alternate Names - CSF-3, C17orf33, CSF3OS, G-CSF, colony stimulating factor 3

Catalog No.:
1 Pack
Country of Origin:
Measurement of Rabbit G-CSF in an ELISA.