QuantiQuik™ Pyruvate Quick Test Strips

Katalog-Nummer QQPYR10

Size : 10tests

Marke : BioAssay Systems

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QuantiQuik™ Pyruvate Quick Test Strips


  • For rapid, direct determination of pyruvate concentrations in food and beverage samples as well as biological samples.Note: Requires access to pipettes for dilution. We offer pipettes that can be purchased separately: 50 µL Pipettes (Catalog: TP-50), 100 µL Pipettes (Catalog: TP-100), or 400 µL Pipettes. (Catalog: TP-400)

Key Features

  • Fast and sensitive. Use of 50, 100, or 400 µL sample. Semi-quantitative measurement between 0-131 mg/L (undiluted) Pyruvate.
  • Convenient. No expensive plate or cuvette readers needed.
  • Sample treatment and assay can be performed in under 15 minutes.


  • Visual


  • Wine, beer, biological samples, etc


  • All


  • Approximately 15 min


  • 10 tests

Shelf Life

  • 6 months

More Details

PYRUVATE, a key intermediate in cellular metabolic pathways, can be converted to a variety of things such as carbohydrates, fatty acids, and energy depending on the pathway. It can also be converted to alanine and ethanol. In the beverage industry, monitoring levels of pyruvate during alcoholic fermentation can be important for the production of beer, wine, and spirits. Some brewers even add sodium pyruvate to their beer to alter the flavor and give the beer more body. In regard to health, abnormal levels of pyruvate have been linked to various liver diseases and metabolic disorders. BioAssay Systems QuantiQuik™ Pyruvate Test Strips are based on pyruvate oxidase catalyzed oxidation of pyruvate in which peroxidase reduces the formed peroxide and oxidizes a chromogenic reagent. The intensity of the blue product is directly proportional to pyruvate concentration in the sample.Cat#: QQPYR10
Category: Blood & Urine Chemistry, Food & Beverage Analysis, Quick

What samples have you tested?

White wine, beer, serum, plasma, and urine.

How sensitive are the Pyruvate strips?

The Strips can measure levels as low as 50 µM of undiluted pyruvate; however, most samples will require some sort of dilution. The following are the detection limits for samples requiring a dilution:• Samples requiring a 2× dilution (e.g. serum and plasma): 100 µM, 8.7 mg/L pyruvate• Samples requiring a 5× dilution (e.g. beer, acidic samples, etc): 250 µM, 22 mg/L pyruvate• Samples requiring a 9× dilution (e.g. white wine and urine): 450 µM, 39 mg/L pyruvate

My sample turns the strip very dark blue, how can I determine the pyruvate concentration?

Very dark blue indicates that the diluted sample concentration is greater than 1.5 mM (131 mg/L or ppm) pyruvate. To obtain a more accurate concentration, the sample should be diluted and retested. For example, if the sample was diluted 2×, try diluting 5× or 9×. Multiply the concentration of the corresponding color by the dilution factor to determine the pyruvate concentration.

I don’t have access to a pipetteman. How can I accurately measure out my samples?

We offer exact volume transfer pipettes as an accessory. For samples requiring a 2× dilution, order the 400 µL transfer pipettes (TP400). For samples requiring a 5× dilution, order the 100 µL transfer pipettes (TP100). For samples requiring a 9× dilution, order the 50 µL transfer pipettes (TP50).

Can I store unused reagents for future use?

Yes, unused reagents can be stored according to the assay protocol. The strips should be kept in a dry, preferably cool location protected from light.

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If you or your labs do not have the equipment or scientists necessary to run this assay, BioAssay Systems can perform the service for you.

– Fast turnaround
– Quality data
– Low cost

Pyruvate Quick Test Strips
Catalog No: QQPYR10 Categories Blood & Urine Chemistry, Food & Beverage Analysis, Quick Test Strips Tags Blood & Urine Chemistry, Food & Beverage Analysis, Pyruvate Quick Test Strips assay kits, Pyruvate Quick Test Strips determination kits, Pyruvate Quick Test Strips measurement kits, Pyruvate Quick Test Strips test kits, QQPYR10, QuantiQuik Pyruvate Quick Test Strips Assay Kits, QuantiQuikTM Pyruvate Quick Test Strips, Quick Test Strips