ProteinEle® Precast Tris-Glycine Gel(12%),12%, 1.0 mm, 10 wells, 10 Pieces/Box
Katalog-Nummer DG102-01
Size : 10Pieces/Box
Marke : TransGen Biotech
ProteinEle® Precast Tris-Glycine Gel(12%)
Catalog Number: DG102-01
Price:Please inquire first
12%, 1.0 mm, 10 wells, 10 Pieces/Box
12%, 1.0 mm, 15 wells, 10 Pieces/Box
Product Details
ProteinEle® Precast Tris-Glycine Gel is a 12% uniform concentration polyacrylamide precast gel formulated with a neutral pH buffer system, showing high resolution and good stability. Using Tris-glycine buffer, this product is suitable for separation of native and denatured proteins. It is easy to use and simple to install, and fits mini gel tanks which are popular and widely used.
at 2-8℃ for one year
ice bag (4℃)
Product Composition