LymphoTranscript Kit

Katalog-Nummer GEP-LT08

Size : 8reactions

Marke : Genexpath

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Test LymphoTranscript - RUO

Test LymphoTranscript – RUO

LymphoTranscript: detects more than 50 fusion transcripts identified in PTCL in a single test

The genetics of peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) are complex, encompassing several recurrent fusion transcripts discovered in recent years thanks to high-throughput sequencing. However, there is currently no affordable and rapid technology for their simultaneous detection in clinical samples.

The LymphoTranscript test de Genexpath permet de mettre en évidence les transcrits de fusion associés aux Lymphomes T périphériques en un seul test. C’est un test économique.

It is based on a ligation-dependent RT-PCR method (LD-RT-PCR). This semi-quantitative technique simultaneously assesses chromosomal translocations and somatic mutations using oligonucleotide probe pairs specific for each of these markers.

Fusions LymphoTranscript
Fond bleu nuit décoratif
Protocole LymphoTranscript

A simple and rapid protocol

The In Vitro test The In Vitro test consists of 4 steps with a total duration of approximately 1/2 day including 1h to 1h30 hands-on .

The NGS sequencing part requires just 100,000 reads per sample.

The LymphoTranscript test can also be sequenced with other libraries. Barcodes are supplied with the kit.

Robust and efficient computer analysis

After sequencing, the RT-MIS online analysis platform enables automated analysis of FASTQ files.
It then provides the user with a list of any fusions detected in the biological sample, together with the associated quantitative information.
RT-MIS also provides the bibliography relating to these fusions.

RT-MIS is therefore simple, fast and secure for the user.

For research purposes only