Lactate is chiral: L(+)-Lactate and D(-)-Lactate. L(+)-Lactate exists in blood and is constantly produced from pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in human intermediary metabolism. D(-)-Lactate is present only at about 1-5% of the concentration of L(+)-Lactate. Abnormal high concentration of lactate is related to diseases such as lactate acidosis and diabetes.
The Lactate Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit provides a sensitive, simple and convenient way for detection of lactate in various biological samples (blood circulation, cells, culture mediums, fermentation mediums, etc.) based on colorimetric and fluorometric method. In the assay, lactate specifically reacts with lactate enzyme mix to yield a product, which interacts with lactate probe to produce fluorescence (at Ex/Em = 535/587 nm) and color (570 nm). The assay can be performed without pretreatment or purification of samples. The kit can detect 0.001-10 mM lactate samples.
Features & Properties
Fast and convenient; Simple procedure; Takes approx. 40 minutes; The kit contains the necessary reagents for accurate measurement of lactate colorimetrically and fluorometrically.
Blue Ice
Storage Conditions
Store at -20°C.
Quality Control
Related Biological Data
Related Biological Data
Store at -20°C.
Kit components
Lactate Assay Buffer, Lactate Probe (in DMSO), Lactate Enzyme Mix, L(+)-Lactate Standard (100 nmol/µL)
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