Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound produced from methionine and lysine. Carnitine plays an important role in transporting fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix via the carnitine/acylcarnitine shuttle where occurs β-oxidation, acetate is produced and is utilized to generate energy in the TCA cycle. Carnitine exists in two isomers. Only L-carnitine is biologically active. L-Carnitine is often considered as a nutritional supplement.
The L-Carnitine Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit provides a simple, fast and convenient way for detection of free L-carnitine in various biological samples based on colorimetric and fluorometric method. In the assay, CoA transfers an acetyl group to carnitine and the free CoA produced is further processed with subsequent oxidation of the Oxi-Red probe to give absorbance (570 nm) and fluorescence (Ex/Em 535 nm 587 nm). The normal range of L-carnitine in serum is approx. 20-100 µM. The detection sensitivity is approx. 10 µM for the colorimetric assay and approx. 1 µM for the fluorometric assay.
Features & Properties
Fast and convenient; Simple procedure; Takes approx. 30 minutes; Kit contains all necessary reagents for accurate measurement of L-carnitine levels.