Human Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) IgG ELISA kit

Katalog-Nummer EA100926

Size : 1x96wells

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Human Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) IgG ELISA kit

Human Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) IgG ELISA kit
2 Weeks*
Product Data
Species Human
Format 8x12 divisible strips
Assay Type Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
Assay Length 3 hours
Signal Colorimetric
Sample Type Serum
Sample Volume 10 µl/well
Specificity This kit is used for quantitative detection human Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) IgG
Reactivity Human
Cross Reactivity There is no detectable cross-reactivity with other relevant proteins.
Interference No significant interference observed with available related molecules.
  • 1. Microwells coated with TPO recombinant Ag: 12x8x1
  • 2. Sample Diluent: 1 bottle (ready to use): 22 ml
  • 3. Calibrator: 1 Vial (ready to use): 1ml
  • 4. Positive Control: 1 vial (ready to use): 1ml
  • 5. Negative Control: 1 vial (ready to use): 1ml
  • 6. Enzyme conjugate: 1 bottle (ready to use): 12ml
  • 7. TMB Substrate: 1 bottle (ready to use): 12ml
  • 8. Stop Solution: 1 bottle (ready to use): 12ml
  • 9. Wash concentrate 20X: 1 bottle: 25ml
Background Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is the major autoantigen (933 amino acid residue) in the thyroid microsomal antigen (TMA) particle. The purification and preparation of this antigen has made testing for TMA antibodies obsolete. Assays for TPO antibodies include ELISA, precipitation of radiolabeled TPO-bound autoantibodies with protein A, competition for TPO binding to immobilized anti-TPO murine monoclonal antibodies, autoantibody capture by TPO-coated beads and chemiluminescence. All tests correlate well with detection of TMA. ELISA using TPO recombinant antigen is the most popular assay. Detection of TPO antibodies is strong evidence against a goiter or non-autoimmune causes of hypothyroidism. The annual risk for the development of hypothyroidism is 3% to 4% per year if TPO antibodies are present and TSH is elevated. TPO antibodies are present in 8-9% normal controls, 57-74% patients with Graves disease, 99- 100% of Hashimoto disease or idiopathic myxedema, 19% with differentiated thyroid cancer, no patients with subacute thyroiditis and 11% of those with other miscellaneous non-autoimmune thyroid diseases. The prevalence of positive TPO antibodies is higher in elderly (mean age 80 years) women (10%) compared to elderly men (2%). Autoantibody concentration in centenarians also decreases. Studies of TPO epitopes in each domain, A and B, and detection of their specific autoantibodies suggest that the epitope-specific TPO antibodies ratio (A/B) does not change over time in individual patients and that TPO epitope autoantibody patterns may be inherited.
Gene Symbol TNNI3
Locus ID 7137
Shipping Blue Ice


*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.

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