Human Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS ELISA Kit

Katalog-Nummer BG-HUM20964

Size : 1kit

Marke : Novatein Biosciences

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Human Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS ELISA Kit


Human Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS ELISA KitFor research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.For general protocol and instruction, please click the following links:Quantitative Elisa Kit InstructionSandwich ELISA kit general instruction

Data sheet

Assay time 3.5 hours
Assay Range 31.2 – 2000 pg/ml
Size 96T
Storage 2 - 8 ℃
Assay principle The Human ROS ELISA Kit is based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technology. Anti-Human ROS specific antibody has been pre-coated onto 96-well plate. Human ROS present in the standards/ samples bind to the capture antibody. Subsequently, biotinylated anti-Human ROS detection antibody is added to form an Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich. After a washing step, streptavidin-HRP is added and the unbound conjugate is removed with wash buffer. Next, addition of HRP substrate, TMB, results in the production of a blue colored product that changes to yellow after the addition of acidic Stop Solution. The density of yellow color is directly proportional to the amount of Human ROS captured on plate.


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