Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor cells iPC derived Culture (Non-Viral)

Katalog-Nummer 736055-22

Size : 1FrozenVial

Marke : Celprogen

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  • Product Description

    Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor cells iPC derived Culture (Non-Viral) - Frozen Vial

    This product would require pre-coated flasks with Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor cells iPC Derived (Non-Viral) - Frozen Vial

    Also Avaliable as:

    T25 plated cells shipped at room temperature. Cat# 736055-22-T25
    T75 plated cells shipped at room temperature. Cat# 736055-22-T75
    T150 plated cells shipped at room temperature. Cat# 736055-22-T150

    T225 plated cells shipped at room temperature. Cat# 736055-22-T225

    120 Population doublings or up to 12 passages.

    One million viable cells upon thawing of frozen cells, frozen vial of cells shipped in dry-ice.

    This product would require pre-coated flasks with Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor cells iPC Derived (Non-Viral) Extra-cellular Matrix Cat# E736055-22 and Human Oligodendrocyte Progenitor cells iPC Derived (Non-Viral) Media Cat# M736055-22S

    Source: Adult Human Brain Tissue

    Positive Markers: NANOG, Oct 4, CD117, Sox2, MBP, Notch 1, Neurogenin3, GFAP, A2B5,CD44,O4

    For non-academic use, please inquire for pricing



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