Guanosine 5'-[alpha-33P] triphosphate tetra(triethylammonium) salt (GTP [alpha-33P]) / s.A. 3000 Ci/mmol, Conc. 10 mCi/ml, 50mM tricine (pH 7.6) with stabilizer, M.W. 525.18

Katalog-Nummer ARP-0155-1

Size : 1mCi/37MBq

Marke : American Radiolabeled Chemicals

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Guanosine 5'-[alpha-33P] triphosphate tetra(triethylammonium) salt (GTP [alpha-33P]) / s.A. 3000 Ci/mmol, Conc. 10 mCi/ml, 50mM tricine (pH 7.6) with stabilizer, M.W. 525.18