Green-DNA Dye, ready to use [163795-75-3]

Katalog-Nummer DT81414

Size : 1.5ml

Marke : Bio Basic

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Eco-Green-DNA Dye, Ready-to-use
Storage: 2 to 8C
Product Description: Eco-Green-DNA Dye, Ready-to-use

DNA, single‐stranded DNA and RNA in Agarose gels.

This dye replaces Ethidium Bromide (toxic, potential mutagen) for visualization of DNA or RNA in Agarose gel.

Eco‐DNA Dye products are non‐carcinogenic and causes significantly fewer mutation in the Ames‐test, it also tests negate in both the mouse marrow chromophilous erythrocyte micronucleus test and mouse spermary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration test.
Total Product Size:
DT81414 (1.5ml)
DT81414 (10ml)
Number of Containers: 1
Refrigeration Requirements: Refrigerator
Shelf Life: 1 year after opening
Shipping Conditions: ICE
UNSPSC Code: 12171500
UNSPSC Category: Electrophoresis Tracking Dyes

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