Frozen Tissue Sections, Liver

Katalog-Nummer CS521767

Size : 5x5um

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Frozen Tissue Sections, Liver

Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Liver; Polycystic liver disease
Product Data
Age 47
Appearance L
asm BF3
CASE Diagnosis (from medical center path report) Polycystic liver disease
Case ID CI0000008613
Diagnosis Polycystic Liver Disease
Disease State Other Disease
Gender Female
Lesional 100%
Necrosis 0%
Normal 0%
Pathology Verification notes from H&E review No normal architecture in lesional component
Race White or Caucasian
Sample Diagnosis (from Pathology Verification) Polycystic liver disease
Frozen Sample ID FR000269DF
Site of Finding Liver
Stability All frozen tissue sections are stable for 1 year from date of purchase if stored at -80°C without repeated freeze/thaws.
Storage Store frozen tissue sections at -80°C.
Tissue Liver
Tissue of Origin Liver
Tumor 0%
Tumor Hypo/Acellular Stroma 0%
Tumor Hypercellular Stroma 0%
Description Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Liver; Polycystic liver disease