EZ-10 Spin Column Fungal Genomic DNA Mini-Preps Kit

Mindestbestell 2

Katalog-Nummer FT82012

Size : 50Preps

Marke : Bio Basic

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EZ-10 Spin Column Fungal Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: EZ-10 Spin Column Fungal Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit: The kit provides a simple and convenient technique to isolate high quality DNA from Fungi using a rapid spin-column format. DNA of cell lysate is selectively bound to the spin column and other impurities such as proteins, salts do not bind on the column and are eliminated in flow through. No phenol extraction, no ethanol precipitations are required. The kit is also suile for isolation of bacterial genomic DNA from colonies on dish. Purified genomic DNA ranges 20-50 kb in length. Purified DNA is suile for downstream applications such as Restriction Endonuclease Digestions, PCR, and other applications.
Total Product Size: 50prep
Individual Container Size: 50prep
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41105504
UNSPSC Category: Genomic DNA Purification Kits

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