EnzyChrom™ Glutathione Reductase Kit

Katalog-Nummer ECGR-100

Size : 100tests

Marke : BioAssay Systems

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EnzyChrom™ Glutathione Reductase Kit


  • For quantitative determination of glutathione reductase activity.

Key Features

  • Fast and sensitive. Linear detection range (20 µL sample): 0.4 to 50 U/L for 20 min reaction. Detection Limit of 0.4 U/L.
  • Convenient and high-throughput. Homogeneous “mix-incubate-measure” type assay. Can be readily automated on HTS liquid handling systems for processing thousands of samples per day.


  • OD412nm


  • Plasma, serum, tissue and culture media etc


  • All


  • 30 min


  • 100 tests

Detection Limit

  • 0.4 U/L

Shelf Life

  • 6 months

More Details

  • GLUTATHIONE REDUCTASE (GR) reduces oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to the reduced sulfhydryl form GSH which is an important cellular antioxidant. A high GSH/GSSG ratio is important for protection against oxidative stress. Thus, measurement of GR activity is used as indicator for oxidative stress. BioAssay Systems’ non-radioactive, colorimetric GR assay is designed to accurately measure GR activity in biological samples with a method that utilizes Ellman’s method in which DTNB reacts with the GSH generated from the reduction of GSSG by the GR in a sample to form a yellow product (TNB2-). The rate of change in the optical density, measured at 412 nm, is directly proportional to GR activity in the sampl

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For more detailed product information and questions, please feel free to email us. Or for more general information regarding our assays, please refer to Technical Support.

KHAN, ZAFAR JAVED, et al (2019). Indian Journal of Novel Drug Delivery. Indian Journal of Novel Drug Delivery 11.1: 30-39. Assay: Glutathione reductase in rat serum.

Bardell, DA et al (2015). Measures of Redox Balance in Horses Undergoing Corrective Surgery Involving Strangulating Lesions of the Small Intestine. Equine Vet J. 47(S48): 6. Assay: Glutathione reductase in horse plasma.

To find more recent publications, please click here.

If you or your labs do not have the equipment or scientists necessary to run this assay, BioAssay Systems can perform the service for you.

– Fast turnaround
– Quality data
– Low cost

Glutathione Reductase Kit
Catalog No: ECGR-100 Categories Agriculture & Environment, Enzyme Activity, Oxidative Stress Tags Agriculture & Environment, ECGR-100, EnzyChrom Glutathione Reductase Kit Assay Kits, EnzyChromTM Glutathione Reductase Kit, Enzyme Activity, Glutathione Reductase Kit assay kits, Glutathione Reductase Kit determination kits, Glutathione Reductase Kit measurement kits, Glutathione Reductase Kit test kits, Oxidative Stress

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