Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), Multi-Species SP ads-AF488

Katalog-Nummer 6415-30

Size : 1.0mg

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Isotype Donkey IgG
Isotype Control 0175-30
Specificity Reacts with the heavy and light chains of mouse IgG and the light chains of mouse IgM and IgA
Source Pooled antisera from donkeys hyperimmunized with mouse IgG
Cross Adsorption Goat, sheep, bovine, human, rabbit, chicken, horse, and guinea pig serum proteins (SP); may react with immunoglobulins from other species
Purification Method Affinity chromatography on mouse IgG covalently linked to agarose
Conjugate AF488 (Alexa Fluor® 488)
Buffer Formulation Phosphate buffered saline containing < 0.1% sodium azide
Clonality Polyclonal
Concentration 1.0 mg/mL
Volume 1.0 mL
Recommended Storage 2-8°C; Avoid exposure to light
Trademark Information Alexa Fluor® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. or its subsidiaries
Applications Quality tested applications for relevant formats include -

Other referenced applications for relevant formats include -
Immunocytochemistry 1
RRID Number AB_2796329
Technical Bulletin Safety Datasheet

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  1. 1. SouthernBiotech published data (ICC)

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