BrightMAX™ 100 - 1,000 bp
Katalog-Nummer L0012
Size : 5x50µg
Marke : Canvax Biotech
BrightMAX™ 100 – 1,000 bp
For a Precise, Accurate & Highly Stable size estimation of fragments on Agarose Gels
BrightMAX™ 100 – 1,000 bp DNA Ladder is a precise and highly stable DNA Marker suitable for sizing double-stranded DNA from 100 bp to 1 kb. Ready-to-use, it contains loading dyes with one or two migration visualisation dyes.
It is composed by 10 fragments ranging from 100-1,000 base pairs, with 100 bp increments between bands. The resulting steps are shown in the figure. The 500 bp fragment is at double intensity to serve as reference band. An exact amount of DNA in each band allows approximate quantification of DNA samples.
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