Blue Plus® II Protein Marker (14-120 kDa)

Mindestbestell 2

Katalog-Nummer DM111-01

Size : 250ul

Marke : TransGen Biotech

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Blue Plus® II Protein Marker (14-120 kDa)

Catalog Number: DM111-02

Price:Please inquire first

2×250 µl
250 µl

Product Details

Blue Plus® II Protein Marker is composed of eight prestained proteins ranging from 14 to 120 kDa. The proteins of 50 kDa and 120 kDa bands are covalently coupled to orange dye. The protein of 14 kDa band is covalently coupled to yellow dye. The other five bands are covalently coupled to blue dye. This prestained protein marker is designed for monitoring the electrophoresis and membrane transfer.


at -20℃ for two years.


Dry ice (-70℃)


Gao Y, He Y, Chen L, et al. Chimeric Phi29 DNA polymerase with helix–hairpin–helix motifs shows enhanced salt tolerance and replication performance[J]. Microbial Biotechnology, 2021.(IF 5.33)

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