2L Digital Water Bath, 115V

Katalog-Nummer BCM1400

Size : 1unit

Marke : Bio Basic

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2L Digital Water Bath, 115V
Product Description: 2L Digital Water Bath, 115V: Digital water baths, with gabled lid. Gabled lid diverts condensation to front and back of bath. Lid is removable. BCM1400 has a flat, non-removable lid. 8L and 12L models have a drain for easy removal of water. All models have seamless, stainless steel interiors which are rust-resistant and have no corners to collect debris or contaminants. 2 year warranty.
Total Product Size: 1UNIT
Individual Container Size: 1UNIT
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41103706
UNSPSC Category: Water Baths

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